Achieving a Diverse Forest System on Private, Commercial, and Public Lands

At the AMJV Northeast Region Partner meeting, 25 participants representing 10 agencies and organizations from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania held talks on implementing conservation and management practices to achieve a diverse forest system on private, commercial, and public lands in the region. The American Bird Conservancy’s Birdscapes concept was highlighted as a means for piloting such implementation. The Birdscapes approach identifies landscape-scale areas large enough to increase the numbers of targeted bird species throughout their life-cycles, but small enough to facilitate measurement of results.

As part of the meeting, Ian Davidson and Amanda Bassow gave a presentation via webinar about the National Fish and Wildlife Foundations Central Appalachian Habitat Stewardship Program. Participants agreed to work together on developing a series of proposals to implement work across the northeast region of the AMJV. The AMJV Northeast Region Partner meeting took place at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in March.