At the AMJV Northeast Region Partner meeting, 25 participants representing 10 agencies and organizations from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania held talks on implementing conservation and management practices to achieve a diverse forest system on private, commercial, and public lands in the region. The American Bird Conservancy’s Birdscapes concept was highlighted as a means for piloting such implementation. The Birdscapes approach identifies landscape-scale areas large enough to increase the numbers of targeted bird species throughout their life-cycles, but small enough to facilitate measurement of results.
As part of the meeting, Ian Davidson and Amanda Bassow gave a presentation via webinar about the National Fish and Wildlife Foundations Central Appalachian Habitat Stewardship Program. Participants agreed to work together on developing a series of proposals to implement work across the northeast region of the AMJV. The AMJV Northeast Region Partner meeting took place at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in March.