
Forest Service releases final Land Management Planning Framework

The U.S. Forest Service announced availability of final planning directives, a key set of agency guidance documents that directs land managers’  implementation of the 2012 planning rule. A product of significant public input, this new framework guides development of land management plans that ensure sustainable ecosystems and promote vibrant communities. Public input into both the proposed planning directives and 2012 planning rule played a critical role in helping the agency design an approach to planning that is adaptive and effective.  The agency sought public comment on proposed planning directives in February, 2013.  Over 16,000 comments representing diverse communities and interests
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USDA Accepting Applications for Conservation Stewardship Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture will make available $100 million this year through the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) and although applications are accepted all year, farmers, ranchers and forest landowners should submit applications by Feb. 27, 2015 to ensure they are considered for this year’s funding (applications received after that date will be considered for future funding).   This year’s investment may result in the enrollment of up to 7.7 million acres in the program by private landowners. “CSP is a way of incentivizing farmers, ranchers, and private forest managers who maintain a high level of conservation on their land and
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Audubon Releases New Website

As you may have noticed, we’ve made some improvements to A lot has changed! If you’ve been here before, you’ll notice that we’ve combined what was previously two separate sites—for the magazine and the organization—into a single site at—the best place on the web for people who love birds and want to help protect them and their habitats. If you’ve never been here before, well—we hope this will make a lot of sense. Everything Audubon (and, by natural extension, Everything Birds) will now be much easier to find under one roof, including several all-new features and sections: A
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Online course and conference offered to Virginia forest landowners

Virginia forest landowners looking to gain an understanding of how to keep their woods healthy and productive can do so in the comfort of their own home. Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program in Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment are offering an online course to help private landowners become better stewards of their land. The 12-week Online Woodland Options for Landowners course, which runs from March 2 to May 23, teaches basic management principles and techniques for both novice and veteran private forest landowners. Materials provided include four reference books and a tree
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DEC Announces Nearly $930,000 In Urban Forestry Grants To NY Communities

Nearly $930,000 in state grants have been awarded for 40 urban forestry projects in communities across New York to help protect air, water and natural resources, and enhance urban communities, State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens announced today. Combined with the urban forest grants announced on Earth Day in April ($797,437) and October ($280,391), New York State awarded more than $2 million in urban forest grants in 2014. “Urban forestry programs are vital to creating a vibrant environment that provides clean air, clean water, energy savings, robust habitats and a high quality of life for New Yorkers,”
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New Tennessee Birding Trails Website Now Available

The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is announcing the launch of the Tennessee Birding Trails website. The birding trails project, spearheaded by TWRA state ornithologist Scott Somershoe, provides details on more than 130 of the best places to watch birds across the state. “The new website ( is designed to be simple and user-friendly so users can find bird watching locations and information on each site with little effort,” Somershoe said. “Birders can search for places to go birding using four different search options, including region of the state, specific species that birders often seek out in Tennessee, by species group,
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