
Partly Cloudy With a Chance of Birds, Bats, and Bugs

U.S. Geological Survey research contributes to conservation measures and improved management of migratory bird populations and their habitats across the United States. Migratory birds provide ecosystem benefits that include pest control, pollination of plants and serve as food sources for other wildlife.  They are also a source of recreation for millions of bird watchers and enthusiasts who provide food and design backyard habitats to attract a variety of species throughout the year. USGS researchers are able to explore the behavior and ecology of migratory birds through the unique deployment of tools traditionally used for things such as seafloor mapping, weather
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Plant a Tree at Flight 93

Over the course of two days, April 25-26, 2014, the National Park Service, the Friends of Flight 93, and the National Park Foundation continued a major reforestation effort that will eventually result in large areas of new forest at the memorial. 2012: 500+ volunteers planted over 13,000 seedlings over 20 acres. 2013: 500+ volunteers planted over 15,500 seedlings over 23 acres. 2014: Planning to plant 19,500 seedlings over 30 acres. These trees, which are a mixture of several native species, will form an essential windbreak to protect trees planted in the nearby Memorial Groves. Much of what is now the
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WVDNR Seeks Help Locating Whip-poor-wills

The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources needs help in locating whip-poor-wills, according to Curtis I. Taylor, chief of the DNR Wildlife Resources Section. “If you see or hear whip-poor-wills in West Virginia between the dates of May 10 and July 31, 2014, please email DNR Wildlife Resources Section biologist Rich Bailey at,” Taylor said. “Include the date and location, being very specific; where you saw or heard the bird; your name and phone number; and whether you saw or heard the bird.” The whip-poor-will is a gray, black and brown bird with a black throat. It is well-camouflaged
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USDA Announces New Landmark Conservation Initiatives

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that applications are now being accepted for new, landmark conservation initiatives created by the 2014 Farm Bill. The programs will provide up to $386 million to help farmers restore wetlands, protect working agriculture lands, support outdoor recreation activities, and boost the economy. Vilsack made the announcement at Kuhn Orchards in Orrtanna, Pennsylvania. The farm’s owners participate in the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Conservation Stewardship Program, have worked to encourage pollinator health through planting practices, and used USDA program support to construct a high tunnel. “By protecting working lands and wetlands, we’re able to
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WPC Wraps Up Massive Tree Planting Effort

The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is completing an undertaking that resulted in the planting of thousands of trees and shrubs along some of the region’s streams and creeks. WPC’s Watershed Conservation Program celebrated the planting of 20,000 saplings in riparian zones, the land adjacent to creeks and streams. Healthy riparian zones improve water quality, create habitat for animals, reduce stream bank erosion and lead to other environmental improvements. To date, this project has improved more than 6 miles of creek-side public and private land in 17 watersheds throughout Western Pennsylvania. Conservancy staff and volunteers participated in this special planting on Thursday
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Service Approves $3.6 Million to Conserve Migratory Birds and Their Habitat

Migratory birds throughout the Western Hemisphere – including some of the AMJV highest priority species –  will benefit from $3.6 million in grants for 29 collaborative conservation projects across the Americas, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today. The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act grants will leverage the Service’s investment with nearly $12.1 million in additional private funds—a more than 3-to-1 match. The projects will conserve migratory bird habitat, stimulate critical research into declining bird populations, and strengthen international relations, raising awareness of the importance of bird conservation. “Migratory birds are an integral part of the landscape the Service
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