
New Landowner Incentives for Forest Management in Effect

Effective today, landowners in Maryland have new incentives to plant trees and better manage their forests.  Maryland’s Forest Preservation Act of 2013, which requires that the State stay at or above its current tree canopy of 40 percent, assists citizens and local governments who work to increase tree cover on their property with more tools and tax benefits. This first-of-its-kind legislation is part of a statewide effort to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, prevent further climate change and improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. “Climate disruption is real,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “If we want to stabilize climate, safeguard human
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Nature Conservancy Protects 700,000 Acres in North Carolina

The Nature Conservancy today announced that it has protected more than 700,000 acres in North Carolina. That’s nearly 1,100 square miles, an area equivalent to two Mecklenburg counties. Much of that property – including iconic places such as Grandfather Mountain, Chimney Rock and Jockey’s Ridge – has been transferred into public ownership for everyone to enjoy. “If you visit a state park, hunt on a state game land or enjoy a National Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina, chances are that The Nature Conservancy played a big role in making that happen,” explained Chapter Executive Director Katherine Skinner. “But, we’re not
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Workshop Offers Help for Hemlocks and Those Who Want to Save Them

Fall Creek Falls State Park boasts the highest waterfall east of the Rocky Mountains and majestic gorge and forest vistas. However, the park’s rugged beauty is threatened by an invasive insect that is killing hemlock trees found throughout the park and in view of the waterfall. A free workshop is scheduled for Saturday, October 12 to help private landowners learn about the threat of hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) and gain skills needed to chemically treat and preserve their own hemlocks. “Hemlocks at Fall Creek play a vital role in the beauty for our visitors,” said Cara Alexander, park ranger at
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NWTF Donation to Conservation Department Supports Wildlife Management

The Alabama Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) recently presented a check for more than $40,000 to the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division for wildlife habitat management. According to WFF Division Director Chuck Sykes, most of the money will be used on Alabama’s Wildlife Management Areas throughout the state. “The great thing about this donation is that we are able to match it with federal money,” Sykes said. “A three-to-one match means we can obtain approximately $123,000 additional dollars to make the donation go even further. This federal match is an important part of how our
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AMJV Chairman Receives Seth Gordon Award

David Whitehurst, Chairman of the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture (AMJV) and Director of the Bureau of Wildlife Resources at the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has been awarded the Seth Gordon Award at the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ (AFWA) 103rd Annual Meeting held September 10th in Portland, Oregon. The Seth Gordon Award is AFWA’s highest honor. Established in 1970, it is given to recognize the lifetime achievements of natural resource administrators who have worked steadfastly and effectively towards the ‘best use’ of North American natural resources, and to honor an individual for his/her outstanding career in
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$3.1 Million in Grants for Longleaf Pine Forest Restoration

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) announced $3.1 million in grants to support the longleaf ecosystem and advance the objectives of the Range-wide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine today. Fifteen projects across the historic longleaf range have been selected to receive this funding that will ultimately restore more than 13,500 acres and enhance over 140,000 additional acres of longleaf pine habitat. The grants are administered by NFWF’s Longleaf Stewardship Fund, a landmark public-private partnership that includes the U.S. Department of Defense, the USDA Forest Service, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Southern Company.
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