
Kentucky Wetland Restoration Attracts Endangered Cranes

A wetland restoration project completed by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Kentucky has attracted the fancy of a pair of endangered whooping cranes. The cranes have been residing on the conservation easement since December 2012, roosting and feeding in the shallow water areas. This is a significant sighting because by the 20th century, the majestic bird was nearly wiped out. In early November, a pair of whooping cranes was discovered on a property in western Kentucky that was recently restored, with NRCS’ help, to bottomland hardwood wetlands. The restoration included tree planting and the creation of shallow water areas
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Courses/Conferences Address Timber Sales, Sustainable Forests, Management

Virginia’s bountiful and beautiful forests provide a source of great enjoyment for locals and tourists from other states. Hiking the Appalachian Trail, enjoying the views from the Blue Ridge Parkway, floating the James River, or hunting the rural woodlands of Southside are all popular pastimes. While some of these experiences take place on public lands, private woodlands make up about two-thirds of the commonwealth’s forestland. In addition to their scenic value, these forests provide an annual economic benefit of $23.4 billion and ecosystem services worth $8 billion annually in Virginia alone. Privately owned woodlands will be the focus of a
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West Virginia Mid-Winter Waterfowl Survey Results

Wildlife biologists counted 5,252 ducks and 6,262 Canada geese during the annual mid-winter waterfowl survey in early January according to Steve Wilson, Waterfowl Biologist for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Section. “The number of ducks and geese counted this year increased 73 percent and 44 percent respectively compared to last year, and both are well above the 10-year average,” Wilson said. The increase was not unexpected due to weather fronts moving through from the northwest in December. Canada geese, mallards and black ducks, as usual, were the most commonly observed species in the 2013 survey.  Other
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Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Find Safe Harbor in Agreement

The red-cockaded woodpecker is a relatively small member of the woodpecker family but its habitat requirements are anything but small. The federally endangered bird prefers vast acres of longleaf pine forests — habitat that has declined by about 97 percent since European settlement. Thanks to a Safe Harbor Agreement entered into by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and Orton Plantation Holdings, LLC, in November, more than 8,400 acres of open pine forest in Brunswick County will be managed and enhanced to benefit many native wildlife species, with an emphasis on the red-cockaded woodpecker. Orton Plantation is owned by conservationist Louis
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Independent Review Hails Management of Pennsylvania’s State Forests

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) has released the results of an independent review team’s annual study of state forestlands, affirming the state’s efforts to conserve resources through sound management. “The auditors were very pleased with our forest management and our staff’s dedication, and I extend thanks to each of the districts involved in this year’s audit for another job well done,” DCNR Secretary Richard Allan said. “This continued certification is an affirmation of the pride we take in managing our state forest system for many values and uses, while maintaining its long-term health and viability.” “Forest management
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Cerulean Warbler to Benefit from Acquisition of Key Colombian Habitat

The Cerulean Warbler, a bird whose population has declined by about 70 percent in the last 40 years, and 25 other neotropical migrating birds are the key beneficiaries of a successful two-year-effort by American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and Fundación ProAves to purchase and protect key wintering habitat for the birds in Colombia, South America. ABC is a leading U.S. bird conservation organization while Fundación ProAves is a leading bird conservation group in Colombia and an ABC International Partner. The conservation effort resulted in the acquisition of nine new properties. Those new properties now make up the western flank of the
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