The growing popularity of our partnership’s Cerulean Warbler Appalachian Enhancement Project is evident in the number of stories in national and state outlets that are being filed on its behalf. In West Virginia, the state’s Division of Natural Resources and WCHS news featured the project on its edition of West Virginia Wildlife. The television segment documents how landowners can help improve its shrinking habitat, with interviews from West Virginia Cerulean Warbler Partnership Coordinator Kyle Aldinger and John Cobb, a private landowner enrolled in the project.
At the national level, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Conservation Service recently featured our project on its blog. Bringing Back Diversityin Eastern Forests for Landowners, Wildlife documents how our partnership is helping to sustainably manage for healthier forests in the Appalachians and help benefit declining songbirds such as the cerulean warbler. It also features quotes from AMJV Coordinator Todd Fearer on the importance of the Appalachians to ceruleans as well as the strength of Joint Ventures in bringing partners together across state lines to address conservation issues at a scale not feasible by any one agency.
Check out the articles online here:
WCHS News Segment –
USDA Blog Post –