Click Before You Cut: A New Resource Helps PA and NY Landowners Make Informed Decisions About Woodland Stewardship

The forested landscapes of Pennsylvania and New York are vital to local economies, wildlife, and environmental health. To help private landowners better manage their woodlands sustainably, a new online resource,, provides comprehensive tools and guidance on sustainable forest management practices. is designed to empower landowners by offering easily accessible, science-based information that helps them make informed decisions about forest management. Whether considering timber harvesting, improving wildlife habitat, or enhancing the health of their forests, the website serves as a one-stop resource for individuals interested in balancing economic goals with ecological stewardship.

“The Click Before You Cut website helps family forest owners in New York and Pennsylvania learn more about the many benefits their woods can provide,” said Susan Ellsworth, Eastern Region Director for Forest Health, Forest Markets, and Cooperative Forestry with the USDA Forest Service. “It connects them with professional support to help achieve goals they set for their land, both now and for the future.”

Whether a landowner is a long-time forest owner or considering a timber sale for the first time, ClickBeforeYouCut provides essential resources and guidance to ensure their forest remains healthy and productive for years to come. “ is a great collection of online educational materials focusing on landowners and the management of their land,” said Seth Cassell, Pennsylvania State Forester and Director of the PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry. “The PA Bureau of Forestry and its service forestry program covering each county in PA will utilize to better serve the citizens of the Commonwealth of PA.”

Key Features of

  • Educational Resources: Access to a library of articles, videos, and tools that provide insight into sustainable forestry practices, identifying forest health issues, and avoiding common timber harvest pitfalls.
  • Information on Forestry Professionals: Discover the roles of different types of forestry professionals during a harvest and find contractors who can help with forestry planning and management.
  • Guidance Materials: Get guidance on how to plan management that will create habitat for wildlife and meet a landowner’s specific needs and goals.
  • Connections to Experts: Opportunities for landowners to engage with foresters, conservation organizations, and other experts who can assist with forest management decisions.

“The decision to manage your forests is one of the most impactful decisions that any landowner can make,” said Pennsylvania Game Commission Forestry Division Chief Paul Weiss. “Having access to the information on the Click Before You Cut site and connections to professionals can make that process go a lot smoother.”

The website is tailored to address the specific needs of landowners in Pennsylvania and New York, where forests cover millions of acres and support diverse wildlife, clean water, and sustainable rural economies. Additionally, landowners within the initiative’s pilot engagement area of Warren, Forest, McKean, Elk, and Potter counties in Pennsylvania, and Cattaraugus and Allegany in New York, have the opportunity for one-on-one engagement with a representative from one of ​our partner organizations free of ​charge to discuss their woods.

“For many forest landowners striving to be good stewards of their property, the timber harvest and woodland management process can be confusing, daunting and full of unexpected challenges,” said Chris Peters, PA NRCS State Forester. “The Click Before You Cut site will give landowners an excellent place to start educating themselves and connect to forestry professionals that can help them make the best decisions to achieve their goals.”

The website provides resources on managing forests with wildlife in mind to benefit both biodiversity and property owners. “Sustainable forest management goes hand in hand with forest bird habitat management.” said N. Scott Parkhill, Senior Forest Program Manager for Audubon Mid-Atlantic. “Click Before You Cut not only offers landowners a variety of tools and educational materials about how to best manage their property sustainably for both forest products and wildlife habitat but can connect them to professionals in the field that can apply this crucial work on the ground.”

Partners of Click Before You Cut include Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Audubon Connecticut and New York, Audubon Mid-Atlantic, Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture, American Bird Conservancy, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and USDA Forest Service. Funding support for Click Before You Cut is provided by the Sarah K. de Coizart Article TENTH Perpetual Charitable Trust.