The Fall 2013 issue of The All-Bird Bulletin, the newsletter of the U.S. Committee of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI), highlights North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) projects in Mexico.
Mexico’s wetlands represent a wide range of coastal and continental habitats, from mangroves to ciénegas to lagoons. The importance of these habitats to migratory birds is without question. Priority wetland sites in Mexico support impressive congregations of wetland-dependent birds and serve as critical wintering and migratory stopover sites for many species that breed in the United States and Canada.
Approximately five percent of NAWCA’s annual appropriation is allocated to projects in Mexico each year. In the last five years, NAWCA’s Mexico Grant Program has received, on average, $2.7 million annually.
Since 1991, more than 1,170 partners have been involved in 268 Act-supported projects in 31 Mexican states, representing $45,700,000 in Act funds matched by $103,114,000 in partner funds. Grant and matching funds support a wide range of conservation activities in Mexico, including habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement; environmental education and outreach; training and capacity building; and sustainable use and infrastructure development.
This issue of The All-Bird Bulletin is dedicated to showcasing recent projects funded by NAWCA in Mexico. With the movement toward full life cycle conservation, it’s imperative that conservationists renew and augment their efforts to work internationally—through programs like NAWCA—to conserve habitat throughout the ranges of migratory birds.
View the All-Bird Bulletin.