The Hardy Woods Podcast, Episode 3: The Birds We Don’t See

AMJV’s Director of Conservation Partnerships, Amanda Duren, was recently interviewed on The Hardy Woods Podcast (presented by Conservation Forests), where she shared about the Golden-winged Warbler and the role forest management has in conserving them.

“What about the birds we don’t see? We’ve made tremendous progress for birds in the past and many iconic birds have bounced back from severe population declines. Whether for Bald Eagles, turkeys, you name it, we’ve moved mountains for birds. Efforts to conserve birds have even crossed borders with laws such as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Today, a special little migratory bird is under threat, the Golden-winged Warbler. Golden-winged Warblers are facing some of the most significant population declines amongst songbirds. Small and hard to spot, bringing this bird back to the landscape is a complex issue.”

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