The Alabama Forestry Commission assists landowners in managing their forests by helping landowners understand forest stewardship concepts of sustainable forest management. All recommended forest management plans and advice are offered at no cost. This site also provides a list of financial assistance programs available to landowners in Alabama for forestry and wildlife practices.
Alabama Forest Owners’ Association
The mission of the association is to be the Advocate for the Forest Owner and to keep its members well informed on all things related to forest ownership. Anyone who owns forestland, who struggles with the problems and enjoys the benefits of owning forestland, is a potential member.
GA Wildlife Resources Division: Landowner Programs
Learn about programs available to landowners in Georgia to assist in managing their properties for wildlife, including Bobwhite quail and deer, and the Forestry for Wildlife Partnership.
GA Forestry Commission: Landowner Services
Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) professionals are available to assist landowners with a variety of forest landowner services. Visit this site for information on Cost-share and Incentive programs, directories of consultants and contractors, and forest health information.
MD Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Heritage Service: Wild Acres Program
Maryland’s Wild Acres is a voluntary program which encourages Maryland citizens to create backyard wildlife habitat. The Wild Acres program offers fact sheets on how landowners can enhance their habitat for wildlife by creating food, water and shelter resources.
MD Department of Natural Resources Forest Service: Forest Stewardship
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service offers assistance to landowners interested in pursuing cost share assistance programs to help defray the cost of forest improvement practices.
Considering a timber harvest on your property? Call Before You Cut is a one-stop-shop for information about planning and implementing a successful and sustainable harvest.
New Jersey
NJ Forest Service: Private Lands Management
This site provides information on how to request a free meeting with a forester from the NJ State Forest Service, and lists financial assistance programs available to New Jersey landowners.
New York
NY DEC Bureau of Private Land Services: Private Forest Management
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Services Foresters provide assistance to landowners to sustain healthy ecosystems, protect soil and water resources, improve wildlife habitat, and provide recreational opportunities and wood products. Visit this site to learn about the Forest Stewardship Program, technical and financial assistance, finding a forester, and much more.
ForestConnect (Cornell University Cooperative Extension)
ForestConnect provides woodland users with the knowledge and resources needed to ensure sustainable production and ecological function on private woodlands. Connect with other woodland owners through the discussion forum, view webinars on forest health issues, and get assistance from other woodland owners through their Master Forest Owner program.
North Carolina
NC Wildlife Resources Commission: Private Land Management
Discover techniques and guidelines to manage wooded properties for fish and wildlife. Learn field and farmland management that helps conserve wildlife and habitat.
NC Forest Service: Managing Your Forest
This site has a wealth of information for NC woodland owners, including how to find your local forest ranger, consulting forester, wildlife biologist or arborist, and the importance of developing a forest management plan.
Woodland Steward Series
The Woodland Steward Series is an extension of the Biltmore Forest School, the first school of forestry in North America, begun by Carl Schenck in 1898 and commemorated by the Cradle of Forestry in America Historic Site in Pisgah National Forest. It is a series of workshops designed to equip landowners with the tools and resources necessary to manage their land in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Audubon North Carolina: Working Lands Conservation
Learn about Audubon North Carolina’s collaborative approach to forest management to restore habitats for birds and wildlife. By developing partnerships, training opportunities, management plans and demonstration sites Putting Working Lands to Work for Birds and People is providing landowners with the tools to enhance their property in cost-effective ways while supporting struggling populations of priority bird species.
OH Division of Forestry: Landowner Assistance
Find you local Service Forester employed by Ohio Division of Forestry to assist you in managing your woodlands.
OH Division of Wildlife: Private Lands Management
Connect with your local Private Lands Biologist for personalized information on managing your land, from stream corridors to pastures, prairies, woodlands, and urban landscapes.
Considering a timber harvest on your property? Call Before You Cut is a one-stop-shop for information about planning and implementing a successful and sustainable harvest.
Private PA Game Commission: Landowner Assistance Programs
A team of Pennsylvania Game Commission biologists is ready to assist you in making your property more attractive for wildlife, particularly species of greatest conservation need. They even make house-calls!
PA Bureau of Forestry: Private Woodlot and Forest Management
Visit this site to connect with your local service forester, who offer information and advice to managers of rural and community forests and are a resource for the citizens of Pennsylvania, helping to guide landowners and residents in the practice of sustainable forestry. The site also provides a list of consulting foresters working in PA.
Center for Private Forests (PSU)
The Center for Private Forests is a community committed to the stewardship of Pennsylvania's forested landscape. They bring people together to share knowledge and experience to care for trees, woods, water and wildlife. Their large network of volunteers and professionals work together to promote best practices in forest and habitat management, helping people regardless of their level of knowledge or acreage owned. The Center combines the benefits of both applied academic research and direct, local experience throughout Pennsylvania.
PA Forest Stewards Program (Center for Private Forests)
The PA Forest Stewards Program is a Peer-to-Peer Volunteer Program. Pennsylvania Forest Stewards Volunteers are trained in the principles of stewardship, silviculture, forest and wildlife management, tree identification and measurement, forest ecology, financial and legal issues, and outreach resources. In exchange, PA Forest Stewards agree to invest a like amount of their time relaying what they have learned to motivate forest landowners in their communities.
PA Woodland Owners Associations (Listed by County)
Woodland Owners Associations provide educational opportunities for members. Although each group is independent, and missions and membership policies differ, most use meetings, field demonstrations, tours, seminars, and newsletters to provide information about forests and sound forest management to their members and people in the local communities.
TN Wildlife Resources Agency: Private Lands Management
Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency has Wildlife Habitat Biologists throughout the state whose primary job is to assist landowners with technical assistance and managing their property for wildlife. Visit this site to contact these biologists and also to view articles on specific management techniques.
TN Division of Forestry: Forest Landowner Assistance
The landowner assistance program provides technical assistance, forest planning assistance, cost-share assistance, forest health assessments and forestry information to private, non-industrial forest landowners. The Division assists landowners in achieving forest resource conservation and forest management objectives on their land.
TN Forestry Association: Landowner Resources
The Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) serves as "The Voice of Forestry" in Tennessee. TFA is a private, non-profit organization primarily funded through membership dues. TFA works with state and national government agencies to promote a better understanding and appreciation of the forests of Tennessee through a diversity of public relations, government, and educational programs.
West Virginia
WV Division of Forestry: Landowner Assistance
The WV Division of Forestry is the state's lead agency for rendering technical forestry assistance to the nearly 260,000 non-industrial private woodland owners in the state. Visit this site to connect with your local service forester, learn about getting a Forest Stewardship Plan, or for a list of consulting foresters working in the state.
Considering a timber harvest on your property? Call Before You Cut is a one-stop-shop for information about planning and implementing a successful and sustainable harvest.
Five reasons why having a forest management plan is one of the most important things you can do for your woodlot.
Read MoreHow working with a professional forester can help you manage your land to meet your goals.
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Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture
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Office: (540) 257-0598
© 2025 Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Funded by: AMJV Partners Website by Skyhound Internet