This Workshop is bringing together key personnel from the bird conservation community to discuss needs for promoting more effective collaboration and integration of activities among the three networks – Joint Ventures (JV), Bird Conservation Plan Partnerships (BCPP), and the North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI). The Workshop is structured for engagement, facilitated discussion, and problem solving in order to:
- Clarify roles and expectations of JVs, BCPPs and NABCI
- Identify opportunities to avoid redundancy, enhance communication and collaboration, and better achieve bird conservation outcomes
- Identify the greatest needs and capacity gaps limiting more effective all-bird conservation
- Share and promote tools, resources, and other products or efforts with potential “universal appeal”, and consider opportunities for broadening their use and applicability
- Consider efficient options for enhancing level of commitment and accountability among JVs, BCPPs, and NABCI to improve national level picture of achievement, gaps, and capacity needs.