Nominations Open for Gary T. Myers Award

Each year, NABCI and the Association of Joint Venture Management Boards present the Gary T. Myers Bird Conservation Award to an individual, organization, or partnership that has shown exceptional accomplishments and/or leadership in bird conservation. This year’s nominations are due by January 20, 2017.

The U.S. North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) Committee and the Association of Joint Venture Management Board (AJVMB) want to recognize individuals or groups who have shown exceptional accomplishments and/or leadership in bird conservation in furtherance of the principles of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative and the national/international bird initiatives (North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Partners in Flight, Waterbird Conservation for the Americas, National Shorebird Plans, and the resident game bird plans).

Accomplishments to be recognized should have served to advance the vision of protecting and restoring the populations and habitats of North American birds through one or more of the following:

  • Initiating and broadening bird conservation partnerships.
  • Increasing financial resources available for bird conservation in the U.S. and range-wide.
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of those resources and partnerships through integrated bird conservation.
  • Facilitating integrated bird conservation through monitoring, research, modeling, habitat management, or conservation programs.
  • Facilitating conservation through communication, education, outreach or policy advancements.
  • Local and regional impacts are good, but recipient’s work must show a strong connection to national and continental work.

Administrative Guidelines Nominations for the 2017 Award

  • Any individual, group, or organization may be nominated, except U.S. NABCI Committee members during their terms of service on the Committee
  • The nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Subcommittee of NABCI.
  • The awards will be presented at the North American Conference in March, or at some other mutually convenient venue.
  • Awards nominations must be received by 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, January 20, 2017

Nominations for the 2017 Award
Nominations should include:

  • Nominator information (name, title, organization, email address and phone number)
  • Nominee information (candidate’s name, title, organization if any, email address, and phone number)
  • A succinct overview explaining how the individual exceptionally advanced the protection and conservation of bird populations or their habitats (limit 100 words).
  • A description of specific accomplishments that advanced the protection and conservation of bird populations or their habitats (limit 800 words).
  • Up to 2 letters of support are welcome, but are not required. Nominations or support letters are more effective if from outside the nominee’s affiliated organization.

Previous Winners of the Gary T. Myers Bird Conservation Award

  • Steve Wendt
  • Humberto Berlanga
  • MO Bird Conservation Initiative
  • Gwen Brewer
  • Wild at Heart
  • Utah’s Linking Communities
  • Tricia Kelly
  • Kirk Nelson
  • Charles Baxter
  • Gary Myers
  • Deb Hahn
  • Carroll Henderson
  • Ken Babcock
  • NC Sandhills Partnership
  • Wayne MacCallum
  • Dave Smith
  • Catherine Hickey

Submit nominations electronically to:
Judith Scarl
(202) 838 3475