A lot of momentum is building towards coordinating regional Technical Committee meetings to engage more organizations and individuals around AMJV priorities. While work groups composed of Management Board and Technical Committee representatives are making big strides in tackling issues on several fronts to better position the partnership in working internationally, communicating on dynamic forests, and focusing on energy-related risks. Some of the great progress made in recent months includes:
- Regional Meetings: AMJV staff are coordinating a northern region Technical Committee Meeting in early spring of 2016 for partners in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to facilitate discussions on regional issues and generate greater involvement in the JV.
- Wintering Grounds Work Group: Has begun to identify activities and projects of partners on wintering grounds of AMJV priority bird species. This inventory is highlighting projects taking place, species involved, lessons learned, and opportunities available for partners to focus where to work internationally and what efforts to provide value towards.
- Energy Work Group: Will host a series of energy-related webinars that will highlight issues partners are dealing with – such as construction of pipelines and new decision support tools available – beginning in the Spring of 2016.
- Appalachian Forests Communication Strategy Work Group: Has developed major goals and objectives to help develop the scope of work for a communication strategy that will engage target audiences and landscape changers to build case for a dynamic forest landscape in the Appalachians. Scope of work will be completed by May 2016.