WVA DNR Announces Publication Enhancing Habitat on Oil & Gas Infrastructure

The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR), Wildlife Resources Section has published a guide titled Enhancing Wildlife Habitat on Oil and Gas Infrastructure. The purpose of this publication is to provide information regarding management activities that will provide or enhance wildlife habitat associated with well sites, pipelines and access roads.

Paul Johansen, Chief of the Wildlife Resources Section, recommends that landowners and industry use this non-regulatory guide to improve habitat for a variety of game and non-game wildlife. This includes those species that use the edges of developed areas, where natural habitats meet human habitats and animals and wildlife are forced to undergo significant changes to survive and adapt. It also includes early successional habitats, which relates to the changes in plant communities that result from man-made disturbances.

Supported by West Virginia University Extension Service, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, oil and gas industry representatives, the Ruffed Grouse Society and the National Wild Turkey Federation, this publication also provides contact information for technical assistance from many other sources. Enhancing Wildlife Habitat on Oil and Gas Infrastructure is available at all DNR District Offices and on the agency’s website www.wvdnr.gov under the publications section.